Thursday 30 May 2013

Finished At Long Last.

It is ridiculous how fast time goes by.
I'm now nineteen years old and have been in education since I was four. Fifteen years sounds like an awfully long time, and at times it felt like it would never end, but now that I am finished school it feels like only a few days ago I was thirteen and going into first year.
I still have to take state exams next week to see if I will get into college or not, but I am technically finished with the whole being a secondary student thing.
It feels weird.

For most of my life I've had a constant structure there for most of the year, that being school. I'd wake up at around 7.30 a.m, get ready, go to school, come home, do my homework, have my dinner, and then repeat the same process the next day, 5 days a week, for the better part of a year. But now that's over, forever more!
No more teachers shadowing over me, watching my every move. I know most of teachers mean well, but that doesn't mean it's not a pain to have someone constantly correcting you and giving out to you for doing something wrong, or having fun even!
I have a feeling it's not something I'm going to miss terribly. I think what I will miss most is not being educated through Irish! I love speaking Irish, so so much. I can't say I hated secondary school purely because it taught me how to speak Irish fluently, something I hope to cherish forever.

So until 1:00 p.m Monday the 17th of June I will be enveloped by my studies, and then FILMMAKING TIME.


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