• Praesent sapien velit

    Maecenas imperdiet, ligula et mattis feugiat, elit felis fringilla purus, eu pretium quam justo ac orci. Nunc congue, enim sit amet dignissim malesuada, metus purus aliquet nibh, non euismod urna urna ac libero. Aenean congue enim fringilla elit vulputate ut ornare massa aliquam. Mauris pellentesque odio et justo vehicula ullamcorper. Aliquam laoreet placerat massa vel [...]

  • Aenean velit risus, venenatis sed pellentesque ege

    Ut sit amet odio erat, ut rhoncus libero. Maecenas vestibulum dui et urna fringilla pulvinar at ornare nibh. Nam et scelerisque lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam quis neque et elit congue luctus. Sed ultrices tellus at dui pellentesque vulputate? Phasellus molestie tincidunt convallis. Nullam turpis [...]

  • Suspendisse pellentesque, enim id consequat luctus

    Donec a imperdiet metus. Nunc id consectetur velit. Vestibulum et urna neque, eget tempus libero. Suspendisse ac neque eu nisi viverra blandit? Sed in urna at purus cursus adipiscing. Maecenas ac nibh odio, quis dictum dolor. Maecenas id velit eu velit tempor dapibus sed non tellus. Nulla quis nisi a turpis auctor volutpat. In mollis [...]

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Oh Youtube Views

So last night I deleted 3 videos from my youtube channel. I deleted a live video from a You Me At Six concert which had a little over 3,000 views, I deleted a video from a street busker that had just over 1,600 views and a lens review that had 500 views.
The reason I deleted these was over the quality.
The one downside is that my channel just lost over 5,000 views. So I went from having about 17,600 views to 12,600, this saddens me greatly but it really need to be done!

On another note I have 3 exams done, 7 more to go!

Friday, 31 May 2013

Danny Boyle’s 15 Golden Rules of Moviemaking

Danny Boyle is one of my favourite directors (the other being JJ Abrams), I just came across this piece he wrote recently, some very good tips in here :)
Written By Danny Boyle
• Ninety-five percent of your job is handling personnel. People who’ve never done it imagine that it’s some act, like painting a Picasso from a blank canvas, but it’s not like that. Directing is mostly about handling people’s egos, vulnerabilities and moods. It’s all about trying to bring everybody to a boil at the right moment. You’ve got to make sure everyone is in the same film. It sounds stupidly simple, like ‘Of course they’re in the same film!’ But you see films all the time where people are clearly not in the same film together.
• Your main job as a director is to hire talented people and get the space right for them to work in. I have a lot of respect for actors when they’re performing, and I expect people to behave. I don’t want to see people reading newspapers behind the camera or whispering or anything like that.
• Ideally, you make a film up as you go along. I don’t mean that you’re irresponsible and you’ve literally got no idea, but the ideal is that you’ve covered everything—every angle—so that you’re free to do it any of those ways. Even on low-budget films, you have financial responsibilities. Should you fuck it up, you can still fall back on one of those ways of doing it. You’ve got Plan A to go back to, even though you should always make it with Plan B if you can. That way keeps it fresh for the actors, and for you.
• What’s extraordinary about film is that you make it on the day, and then it’s like that forever more. On that day, the actor may have broken up with his wife the night before, so he’s inevitably going to read a scene differently. He’s going to be a different person.
I come from theater, which is live and changes every night. I thought film was going to be the opposite of that, but it’s not. It changes every time you watch it: Different audiences, different places, different moods that you’re in. The thing is logically fixed, but it still changes all the time. You have to get your head around that.
• I had an obsession with the story of 127 Hours, which pre-dated Slumdog Millionaire. But I know—because I’m not an idiot—that the only reason [the studio] allowed us to make it was because Slumdog made buckets of money for them and they felt an obligation of sorts. Not an obligation to let me do whatever I want, but you kind of get a free go on the merry-go-round.
• You can’t just hijack a culture for your story, but you can benefit from it. If you go into it with the right attitude, you can learn a lot about yourself, as well as about the potential of film in other cultures, which is something we tried to do with Slumdog Millionaire… Most films are still made in America, about Americans, and that’s fine. But things are changing and I think Slumdog was evidence of that. There will be more evidence as we go on.
• You have so much power as director that if you’re any good at all, you should be able to use that to the benefit of everyone. You have so much power to shape the movie the way you want it that, if you’re on form and you’ve done your prep right and you’re ready, you should be able to make a decent job of it with the other people.
• Your working process—the way you treat people, your belief in people—will ultimately be reflected in the product itself. The means of production are just as important as what you produce. Not everyone believes that, but I do. I won’t stand for anyone being treated badly by anyone. I don’t like anyone shouting or abusing people or anything like that. You see people sometimes who are waiting for you to be like that, because they’ve had an experience like that in the past, but I’m not a believer in that. The texture of a film is affected very much by the honor with which you make it.
• Test screenings are tough. It makes you nervous, exposing the film, but they’re very important and I’ve learned a great deal from using them. Not so much from the whole process of cards and the discussions afterwards, but the live experience of sitting in an auditorium with an audience that doesn’t know much about the story you’re going to tell them—I find that so valuable. I’ve learned not so much to like it, but to value how important it is. I think you have to, really.
• I always have a bible of photographs, images by which I illustrate a film. I don’t mean strict storyboards, I just mean for inspiration for scenes, for images, for ideas, for characters, for costumes, even for props. These images can come from anywhere. They can come from obvious places like great photographers, or they can come from magazine advertisements—anywhere, really. I compile them into a book and I always have it with me and I show it to the actors, the crew, everybody!
• As a director your job is to find the pulse of the film through the actors, which is partly linked to their talent and partly to their charisma. Charisma is a bit indefinable, thank God, or else it would be prescribed in the way that you chemically make a new painkiller. In the movies—and this leads to a lot of tragedy and heartache—you can sometimes have the most perfect formula and it still doesn’t work. That’s a reality that we are all victims of sometimes and benefit from at other times. But if you follow your own instincts and make a leap of faith, then you can at least be proud of the way you did it.
• When we were promoting Slumdog Millionaire, we were kind of side-by-side with Darren Aronofsky, who was also with Fox Searchlight and was promoting The Wrestler. I watched it and it was really interesting; Darren just decided that he was going to follow this actor around, and it was wonderful. I thought, ‘I want to make a film like that. I want to see if I can make a film like that.’ It’s a film about one actor. It’s about the monolithic nature of film sometimes, you know? It’s about a dominant performance.
• I think you should always try to push things as far as you can, really. I call it “pushing the pram.” You know, like a stroller that you push a baby around in? I think you should always push the pram to the edge of the cliff—that’s what people go to the cinema for. This could apply to a romantic comedy; you push anything as far as it will stretch. I think that’s one of your duties as a director… You’ll only ever regret not doing that, not having pushed it. If you do your job well, you’ll be amazed at how far the audience will go with you. They’ll go a long, long way—they’ve already come a long way just to see your movie!
• You should be working at your absolute maximum, all the time. Whether you’re credited with stuff in the end doesn’t really matter. Focus on pushing yourself as much as you can. I tend not to write, but I love bouncing off of writing; I love having the writers write and then me bouncing off of it. I bounce off writers the same way I bounce off actors.
• A lesson I learned from A Life Less Ordinary was about changing a tone—I’m not sure you can do that. We changed the tone to a kind of Capra-esque tone, and whenever you do anything more “esque,” you’re in trouble. That would be one of my rules: No “esques.” Don’t try to Coen-esque anything or Capra-esque anything or Tarkovsky-esque anything, because you’ll just get yourself in a lot of trouble. You have to find your own “esque” and then stick to it.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Finished At Long Last.

It is ridiculous how fast time goes by.
I'm now nineteen years old and have been in education since I was four. Fifteen years sounds like an awfully long time, and at times it felt like it would never end, but now that I am finished school it feels like only a few days ago I was thirteen and going into first year.
I still have to take state exams next week to see if I will get into college or not, but I am technically finished with the whole being a secondary student thing.
It feels weird.

For most of my life I've had a constant structure there for most of the year, that being school. I'd wake up at around 7.30 a.m, get ready, go to school, come home, do my homework, have my dinner, and then repeat the same process the next day, 5 days a week, for the better part of a year. But now that's over, forever more!
No more teachers shadowing over me, watching my every move. I know most of teachers mean well, but that doesn't mean it's not a pain to have someone constantly correcting you and giving out to you for doing something wrong, or having fun even!
I have a feeling it's not something I'm going to miss terribly. I think what I will miss most is not being educated through Irish! I love speaking Irish, so so much. I can't say I hated secondary school purely because it taught me how to speak Irish fluently, something I hope to cherish forever.

So until 1:00 p.m Monday the 17th of June I will be enveloped by my studies, and then FILMMAKING TIME.